This past Saturday we celebrated our good friend Jakki’s birthday. She’s one of Elaina’s bridesmaids in our wedding. It’s been a while since we were ALL together so it was nice to just kick back and have a couple drinks. Jerry her husband, who is also one of my groomsmen, decided to go to The Continental Room in Fullerton.
The C.R. is a historical business that has been around since the 20’s. It’s right across the street from the now Amtrak station. Back in the day it used to be the first thing you saw when you jumped off a Union Pacific. Now it’s surrounded by hipster and cool guy bars that only allow fo-hawks and affliction t-shirts in on the weekends. The C.R. however has remained true to its style. The second you walk in you’re transported to the early Vegas years. There’s a small stage at the very back corner with a red velvet curtain that raises as bands begin playing. Their bar runs the entire length of one side and private burgundy booths line the other. On the weekend, the place is always packed so it’s standing room only unless you opt for the $300 table service just to sit. Luckily “we’re in the know” there so we grabbed a booth and had a seat. At the C.R. you’re always guaranteed good music and REALLY stiff drinks for a great price. It’s really dark and really loud, but that’s why we love it!
The usual suspects were in attendance as always so the drinking got off to a good start straight away. Elaina was the photog for the night so kudos to her for snapping the shots.

At the back of every booth there is a “call button” that lets the waitress know we’re ready for another round. That button got PLENTY of use that night!

Fully functional cigarette machine.
As the night progressed things began to get a little blurry and dark.
All in all it was a great night of drinking, joking, laughing, and music. I can’t wait for our next night out all drinking together!!!

Buttloads of fun! Thanks for having a birthday Jabby!