Thursday, January 8, 2009

Johnny's Saloon

Punk rock and Johnny Cash can be found together in this almost pitch-black hole in the wall called Johnny’s Saloon. I used to live across the street from Johnny’s in Huntington Beach so it became one of those places to go to after work and have a drink. We could walk into the bar, have a seat and not have to ask for a drink. Bruno (bartender and co-owner) knew I loved Cadillac’s he’d make my drink and put it in front of me as soon as I’d sit down.

All the walls are decorated with beautiful religious art, pictures of musicians, writing, paintings by local artists, spider webs and an Oompa Loompa in the corner next to a tall standing bass.

It’s a great bar if you like cheep booze, stiff drinks, punk rock and not being able to hear the person next to you. The juke box carries all the music we love like Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, The Misfits, Social D, etc. Everyone is always in a good mood and the bar isn’t infested with gross guys who reek of bad cologne and try to hit on you all night. At the same time, it’s almost pitch-black in there so you can’t tell if the person next to you is a mutant or gorgeous.

Anyway, it’s great to go there with friends and just simply hang out, have a few drinks, and listen to good music.

Mike and I used to go to this bar after work with friends pretty often but over time everyone stopped going. I lived across the street, how could I stay away? Mike was always up for it so eventually it was just us two. We’d go to the bar and just talk and listen to each other about our petty life problems. Sometimes 5 o’clock rolled around and Mike would send an email from his desk at one end of the building to mine, “want to go drown our sorrows?”. You all know where this ended up… we're together and soon to be the ball and chain. I can’t complain though.

When we were going to Johnny’s as friends we started a tradition; annual Johnny’s Christmas night. My family always does Christmas on Christmas Eve so Christmas day I just lie around the house and do nothing. Now every year on Christmas, Johnny’s opens their doors at 9pm and we head over. Everyone is welcome to come and hang out with us. The first year quite a few friends made it out. This year it was just 4 of us, but I’m not complaining since the other two joiners were Jakki and Jerry. They’ve never missed a year and I can’t imagine going to Johnny’s any year without them.

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